[vc_row][vc_column][tlg_page_title layout=”center-bg” title=”What my clients say” image=”8823″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row tlg_padding=”pt0 pb0″][vc_column][tlg_header_single fullscreen=”fullscreen-off” padding=”pt64 pb64″ subtitle_before=”yes” customize_font=”yes” title_font=”0″ title_size=”14″ subtitle_font=”0″ content_font=”0″ subtitle=”Sandra Mendez, M.S. in Business Studies, Massey University, 2020″ subtitle_size=”14″]Doing my Master’s research work was to me like going through an intellectual boot camp! It was a year of endless weekends and nights working on my paper.
Barbara’s support took away a big part of the stress. She was encouraging, supportive and truly raised my game. In the end, I got an A on my paper! I think that Barbara proofing my work helped me to get such a good result. I totally recommend Barbara, she knows her stuff and is really supportive.[/tlg_header_single][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row tlg_padding=”pt0 pb0″][vc_column][tlg_header_single fullscreen=”fullscreen-off” padding=”pt64 pb64″ customize_font=”yes” title_font=”0″ title_size=”14″ subtitle_font=”0″ content_font=”0″ subtitle=”Jackie Li, MBA student, 2019″ subtitle_size=”14″]I’m very grateful to Barbara for her help proofreading my MBA research report. Formal academic writing is not my natural writing style and there were many errors made – many more than I realised because English is not my first language.
She was very patient, spending over two hours working through every little detail with me in person. That additional service enabled me to learn a lot about how to write better in my job. I highly recommend Barbara to anyone who needs a proofreading or editing service.[/tlg_header_single][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row tlg_padding=”pt0 pb0″][vc_column][tlg_header_single fullscreen=”fullscreen-off” padding=”pt64 pb64″ customize_font=”yes” title_font=”0″ title_size=”14″ subtitle_font=”0″ content_font=”0″ subtitle=”Dr Robert Davis – https://drrobertdavis.com, 2018″ subtitle_size=”14″]Barbara is the ultimate professional in terms of and grammar and proofreading. I trust her completely with proofing work for all my postgraduate students from various Universities and other tertiary organisations. She also completes my final paper proofing.
Barbara does the work on-time, all the time, at a fair value. I like working with her because she will walk through any major changes that might need to be done. So, while the work is completed, you remain in control and have the chance to learn a lot about how to develop your own writing knowledge.[/tlg_header_single][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row tlg_padding=”pt0 pb0″][vc_column][tlg_header_single fullscreen=”fullscreen-off” padding=”pt64 pb64″ customize_font=”yes” title_font=”0″ title_size=”14″ subtitle_font=”0″ content_font=”0″ subtitle=”Augusta Connor, Health Economist, London, 2018″ subtitle_size=”14″]Barbara is efficient, professional and intelligent in her approach. She has worked with me on various assignments over many years, offering sensible, practical advice on how to improve my work. Her fresh perspective on projects is backed by a strong technical understanding of language, ensuring smart and effective writing.[/tlg_header_single][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1600203037608{background-color: #7f7f7f !important;}”][vc_column]
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